Campbelltown Carpark

This new multi-deck car park will create a playful civic building adjacent to Campbelltown Station, one of the region’s busiest train stations. Its design is flexible, allowing the building to adapt to future uses. Through structure, landscape and water management, it adopts ESD principles and has the ability to upgrade to more environmentally friendly infrastructure such as EVs and increases in solar power.

The building has a strong architectural presence to act as a catalyst for future urban development of the precinct. The generous floor to floor height of the ground floor will enable retail and cafes to plug into the structure and activate the ground floor and street frontage along Farrow Road and future streets within the site. The use of post tensioned slabs and band beams reduces the volume of concrete required by approximately 17%.

The landscape design maximises unencumbered deep soil areas within generous building setbacks and utilises Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) principles using passive irrigation, raingardens and suitable filtration species where possible.


Anton James sketch

Philip Thalis sketch