Merewether Beach

Merewether Beach Public Domain Plan for the City of Newcastle Council, recast the existing public elements into a series of varied and hospitable beachside places.

The primary promenade shadowing the location of an historic rail line, connects Watkins Street to the ocean pool. It hosts a cafe, pocket lawns, low wall seats and terraced bleacher seating. Jefferson park is united with a new community room and surf club. A cycleway and beachside promenade are widened to complement a Landcare sand-dune stabilisation plantings.

Car parking and Watkins Street are clarified. Water sensitive urban design at the base of a significant water catchment cleans stormwater before entering the beach. The swimming pool pavilion is modified to include a cafe and a shaded terrace cascades down to the pool deck level.

The elements combine to create a safe and vibrant coastal amenity, and together provide a high quality, public domain.